A question I see all the time in clinic. Low back (Lumbar) pain may be several things:

  1. Muscular pain / spasms

  2. Bone pain

    • Spondylolisthesis - the bones may be slipped in relation to one another

    • Facet pain - the joints in the back are worn out and degenerated causing pain

    • Spondylosis = arthritis in the bones

    • Due to the vertebral bodies degenerating themselves - this sometimes shows up as swelling or “Modic changes” on MRI

    • Scoliosis - abnormal curve to the spine. Can happen as a teenager or with aging as an older adult.

    • Compression fracture - if the bone is cracked or broken

  3. Disc pain

    • Degenerative disc disease - the discs are potentially dried out, worn out, and smaller than normal

    • Disc herniation / bulge - the disc pushes out to compressing a nerve, but this usually causes radiculopathy or shooting pain into the leg (sometimes called sciatica depending on the nerves involved).

  4. SI (sacroiliac) joint pain

    1. This is the joint that connects the hip to the spine. This is often overlooked.

    2. Can cause pain on either side of the low back, into the leg, buttock, and groin

    3. SI joint quiz: https://si-bone.com/si-joint-pain-quiz

  5. Hip pain

  6. Bertolotti Syndrome

    • Often overlooked but very rare

    • When a part of the bone in the lumbar spine has an abnormal connection to the hip/sacrum


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